I'm not in the OFF fandom, so I can't give you ideas, but I hope you do well on your fangame.
What type of game is your fangame, anyways?
I'm not in the OFF fandom, so I can't give you ideas, but I hope you do well on your fangame.
What type of game is your fangame, anyways?
If you're dropping Batter into a brand new set of zones, there's potential for new weird elements, akin to the OG's meat and metal. One of the ones I had thought were possible back when I was bigger into the famdom was (black, slick) oil. Could have those terrible ice-like sliding puzzles you'd find in old rpgs (ex: pokemon).
Like the bird in cat's clothing, you could have a sheep in wolf's clothing, potentially being a a coward that pretends to be fierce and brave but collapses under pressure (probably via the batter's actions) and would probably be considered a joke of a boss that falls in only a handful of normal attacks, but maybe has some crazy desperation moves that are easily counterable with available but optional armor, that could catch someone off-guard if they're ill-prepared.
Those are some great ideas!!
I still need to think more about how the story would be but thank you, i liked a lot the idea of add oil as an element and the boss
What ideas are ya looking for? Also sweet more OFF.
Ideas for story or characters, to start making a clear idea of how it would be